INFO@SRPAMERICAS.COM @SRPAMERICAS TEL +1 (954) 433-2212 (Hablamos español)
Authorized Distributors for Latin America and the Caribbean
@SRPAmericas warehouse in Miramar, Florida.
Specialized in Generators.
For more than 50 years.
FG Wilson
With more than 50 years of experience, being founded in 1966, FG Wilson is the foremost name in generators today, and Simply Reliable Power is proud to be the official FG Wilson authorized distributor for Latin America & Caribbean, and one of the largest FG Wilson generator set (genset) distributors in the world. Our gensets are built to the highest quality and engineering standards, providing you with an attractive, ultra-reliable power source that can be installed in a few hours at the location of your choice. We offer reliable, fuel-efficient diesel generator sets (6.8 - 2,500 kVA) manufactured to the highest UK standards - standards that are uniform across manufacturing facilities around the world.
They are: world-tested, ready to run, built to last, simple to use, reliable, open or enclosed, power output ranging from 6.8 to 2,200 kVA, single or three-Phase.
FG Wilson's primary engine supplier is Perkins, one of the world's leading providers of diesel engines. Our current genset range uses Perkins 403D, 404D, 1103A, 1104A, 1104C, 1106A, 1506A, 2206A, 2506A, 2806A, 4006, 4008TAG, 4012-46, 4016TAG, 4016-61TRG.
True Performance.
Designed and Built to the Highest Standards.
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries
MGS Generators are manufactured by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, one of the few companies in the world that build the engine as well as the generator set, and Simply Reliable Power is proud to be an official authorized distributor for Latin America & Caribbean; we give customers peace of mind for performance, parts and support.
The best performance-matched engine and generator systems give world-class quality, response and stability; designed to exceed user expectations in a variety of applications. We will advise you on the right selection of gen set for your application, deliver and install the units properly, and provide daily maintenance training, as well as the preventive maintenance on demand, to support higher productivity in economical way.

Our generators are reliable, and we believe in keeping them that way. So when an accessory, maintenance or a repair is required, our parts specialists have the items, tools, software and expertise required for the job.
One of the most critical factors in keeping your generator in “fighting shape” is the parts you use, so with genuine parts, you get value, quality and reliability, and most important, you get peace of mind.
Navigating in our website you can view our large selection of parts, transfer switches, and accessories.
We don’t only sell generators. We make sure to offer our customers with a large selection of accessories that complete all the needs in terms of having your gen set ready to work when needed, From Transfer Switches to Load Banks, Fuel Tanks, Surge Protection, Fuel Cleaning, Remote Monitoring Control Panels, among others.
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